Camellia Gun School

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To Conceal or Not to Conceal?

What is Concealed Carry?

That term--concealed carry--is thrown around a lot these days. Maybe you’ve heard it, and maybe you have a good idea of what it means, but maybe you need a bit of clarification. No worries.

Concealed carry is carrying a gun on your person in some sort of hidden or covered manner. If you’re doing it properly, nobody will be aware of your firearm unless you tell them. It could be concealed on your body or in a bag or purse.

Open Carry vs. Concealed Carry

Okay, so what’s the deal with carrying concealed? Why not just open carry? In the state of Louisiana, you’re legally allowed to open carry a handgun at 18. Open carry is just that: your handgun is carried in a holster outside of clothing for all to see.

Pros of Open Carry

  • Convenient, easy access to your firearm

  • Makes a clear statement that you’re armed

Cons of Open Carry

  • Easy access for someone else to take your gun

  • Could cause alarm among people in public

  • Could cause you to be targeted and “taken out”

While there are times when open carry might be convenient and called for, it does tend to be a bit…alarming to folks. We’re talking anything from slightly uncomfortable to freaked out and highly offended. Another thing to keep in mind with open carry is that some will see your handgun on display as an opportunity to complain to the cops because they feel “unsafe” (in other words they have a chip on their shoulder about guns.) Nobody wants a claim of negligent gun handling against them, regardless of the validity of it.

Here’s another thought. If you were a criminal looking to take down anyone that presented as a threat, wouldn’t you AIM at the person openly displaying a gun because you knew they were a direct threat to you? I mean, I’m no genius, but…

Pros of Concealed Carry

  • Reasonably convenient access to your firearm

  • Ability to reveal your firearm on your timing and only if you think it’s necessary 

  • Not alarming to public because they don’t know you’re carrying 

Cons of Concealed Carry

  • Takes slightly longer to draw

The great benefits of concealed carry are that you can have the peace of mind knowing that you can defend yourself without unnecessarily alarming others or making yourself a target. I’d say that’s a win.

In Louisiana you have the choice: open or concealed carry (with a permit). You get to weigh the options and do what’s right for you. Open carry is convenient and makes a statement. Concealed carry is still convenient, especially with practice, and is a more subtle approach to self defense.

If you’re interested in carrying concealed and would like to get your permit, we would be happy to provide you with great, state-approved training. Contact us to find out about our next class!